
Concepts TV and High Hopes For Automator

One impressive point that keeps getting reinforced here at the Post-Production World Conference: automate tasks!

Brian Liston, AV Studio Director of The Geo Group, hosted an outstanding seminar "Repeating Actions in Final Cut Studio and Automator and XML." One of his slides that especially cracked me up: "Let the robots do the work for you."

Automator, AppleScript, and XML savvy can all make your post-production workflow a little more snazzy. Go to http://automatorworld.com/ for great hints to minimize repetitive tasks. Spend more time thinking about the big picture!

Brian voiced frustration with Automator's lack of cooperation with Final Cut Pro. Hopefully we'll see a greater synergy in the future. Soundtrack Pro, however, does allow for some pretty cool automated tasks.

In addition, "Mac OS X Technology Guide to Automator", by Ben Waldie, has been recommended to me as a fine Automator resource.